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In ur home, u'll find your own
From ur past, present n future
Just stay up from ur dream n shown
What's the aim of the sculpture
Dear, wait me then talk for more
So that I could pass the bridge of shore
Stop sing me an old song, my love!
Create me a bunch of brand new promises
To grow this restful pair of dove
Clean up all the crowded in my glasses
Shout me ur reason 2b an honor
With no sound n not loud
With some cold n grey of smokes
From this chimney pot of an odor
Distant gonna make this soul crowd
It taste as sweet as the s'mores
Apologize me for many things around n more
For throwing those painful smile in the core
Tjitra Ramadhani I am a lecturer at one of University in East Java. I like any kinds of literature.

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